In this post we want to compile some of the question we get frequently, while also provide some info on how you can get rid of smaller problems yourself.

First off, the Kit Creator is regularly tested in the most up-to-date versions of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Edge. We strongly recommend using one of these three (preferably Chrome) and cannot guarantee correct funcionality if you're using another browser or old versions.
It's also common to see cache-related errors when we make bigger updates to the site, such as the recent sleeveless shirt issue when we added captain armbands to the 3D model. It occured for some users as their system still had the old version of the 3D model cached. If you're having issues similar to this, always try to first clear the browser cache first for and see if that helps.
Now, let's get to the FAQs.
Logos are not being saved
Logos uploaded via the 'upload' funcionality are not stored on our servers and will not appear when reloading a kit that was previously saved. There are two ways to avoid this: use presets or get a Plus Ultimate subscription which will allow you to upload your own presets.
I've imported the kits into the game, but they don't use the collar I selected on the site
In addition to importing the texture, you will have to set the collar in Edit Mode under the "shirt" section.
The 3D preview is not working on iPhone
This is a known issue which we've unfortunately not been able to fix so far.
If you have any ideas on how to resolve it, please contact us via email.
There are also some other questions, which might not get asked as frequently but the answers to which can still provide some useful insight.
How to add logos to the socks?
It's possible (if you're a Plus member) - use the "add additional sponsor" button, set it to socks and then upload the logo / load from preset.
That's it for now, if you have any other suggestions please contact us through the usual channels - Facebook, Instagram and Twitter - or through email.

First off, the Kit Creator is regularly tested in the most up-to-date versions of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Edge. We strongly recommend using one of these three (preferably Chrome) and cannot guarantee correct funcionality if you're using another browser or old versions.
It's also common to see cache-related errors when we make bigger updates to the site, such as the recent sleeveless shirt issue when we added captain armbands to the 3D model. It occured for some users as their system still had the old version of the 3D model cached. If you're having issues similar to this, always try to first clear the browser cache first for and see if that helps.
Now, let's get to the FAQs.
Logos are not being saved
Logos uploaded via the 'upload' funcionality are not stored on our servers and will not appear when reloading a kit that was previously saved. There are two ways to avoid this: use presets or get a Plus Ultimate subscription which will allow you to upload your own presets.
I've imported the kits into the game, but they don't use the collar I selected on the site
In addition to importing the texture, you will have to set the collar in Edit Mode under the "shirt" section.
The 3D preview is not working on iPhone
This is a known issue which we've unfortunately not been able to fix so far.
If you have any ideas on how to resolve it, please contact us via email.
There are also some other questions, which might not get asked as frequently but the answers to which can still provide some useful insight.
How to add logos to the socks?
It's possible (if you're a Plus member) - use the "add additional sponsor" button, set it to socks and then upload the logo / load from preset.
That's it for now, if you have any other suggestions please contact us through the usual channels - Facebook, Instagram and Twitter - or through email.