Over the past few weeks we have worked on redesigning the Plus memberships and today we can finally reveal the changes that we've settled on.
First off, we want to put current users at ease. We are making membership changes, and among those changes is our pricing. Pricing changes will only affect new subscribers and not those that are already subscribed. The price for your current membership will not change for as long as the membership is active. Price changes will go into effect on May 15th, 2022, so you can still subscribe with the current prices until then.

These changes were prompted by a request about the potential of allowing for more than 500 saved kits. Once we started thinking more about how to implement such an addition we realized that a bigger revamp of the Plus membership was the way to go.
In the end we decided to not only add another tier above Ultimate but also increase the numbers for both saved kits and custom images for the existing Plus Default and Ultimate tiers. The exact changes are detailed below and, as mentioned above, they will apply to all memberships and not just new ones.

All of the feature changes detailed above will be enabled across the sites gradually, and will be in full effect before the price changes are live (May 15th, 2022).
You can subscribe to the different PES Master Membership tiers here
It’s possible to upgrade or downgrade your subscription at any time, without having to re-subscribe.
First off, we want to put current users at ease. We are making membership changes, and among those changes is our pricing. Pricing changes will only affect new subscribers and not those that are already subscribed. The price for your current membership will not change for as long as the membership is active. Price changes will go into effect on May 15th, 2022, so you can still subscribe with the current prices until then.

These changes were prompted by a request about the potential of allowing for more than 500 saved kits. Once we started thinking more about how to implement such an addition we realized that a bigger revamp of the Plus membership was the way to go.
In the end we decided to not only add another tier above Ultimate but also increase the numbers for both saved kits and custom images for the existing Plus Default and Ultimate tiers. The exact changes are detailed below and, as mentioned above, they will apply to all memberships and not just new ones.
The maximum number of saved kits on the Basic tier (prev. PES Master Plus 'Default') increases from 100 to 150. We also opted to allow subscribers of this tier to save up to 50 custom images, as well as open and download all kits featuring custom images from Showcase. The price for this tier increases from €10 to €15 (€6 to €9 for the six-months plan).Premium
In addition to that, we are also upping the number of save slots for both kits and custom images from 500 to 750 for the Premium tier (prev. PES Master Plus 'Ultimate'). The price for this tier remains the same at €20 per year or 12€ for six months.Ultimate
We have decided to add another tier of membership, above the existing ones. This membership comes with 2,500 save slots for kits and 1,000 for custom images. This one also gets full early access to all scheduled content updates. The price is set at €25 per year or €15 for six months.Tier Overview

All of the feature changes detailed above will be enabled across the sites gradually, and will be in full effect before the price changes are live (May 15th, 2022).
You can subscribe to the different PES Master Membership tiers here
It’s possible to upgrade or downgrade your subscription at any time, without having to re-subscribe.